Discover the Best Value on Texas Pastures

Now at the price of 2 to 3 cents per animal, per day, Altosid® IGR can help Texas ranchers protect their operations from profit-eating horn flies with the best value on pasture. Altosid® IGR is a feed-through solution delivering targeted control of horn flies, with no known resistance. Protect cattle health and weight gains from Texas horn flies, the number one pest threat on pasture, with no additional handling, mixing or labor required.

Defeat The Enemy For 2-3 Cents Per Day

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Horn Fly Issues

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Defeat The Enemy For 2-3 Cents Per Day

To truly understand the importance of controlling horn flies in Texas, it's important to understand the horn fly life cycle, the economic threshold for horn flies on beef cattle, and the potential to promote weight gain through simple and cost-effective horn fly control, rather than through the use of labor-intensive back rubbers and ear tags.

Horn Fly Life Cycle

Altosid ® IGR delivers targeted horn fly control

Economic Threshold

Horn fly infestations can reach 4,000 flies per animal

Increased Weight Gains

Study confirms a 15.8% increase in daily weight gains for cattle treated with Altosid® IGR
Select an item below to learn more about our product options and application.

The Best Value In Horn Fly Control

In Texas, horn flies are a serious threat to beef cattle — and your bottom line. Priced at $4.50 per head, per season, Altosid® IGR provides the most effective and convenient way to control the horn flies infesting cattle on pasture.

The Original Horn Fly IGR

How It Works

Altosid ® IGR Products

Tips for Protecting Your Profits

From preventing common diseases and combating weight and blood loss to increasing cattle comfort, our team of experts has the answers and resources for you to protect your herd and bottom line.

Horn flies are the number-one economic ectoparasite in North American cattle production, causing an estimated $1 billion loss annually.

Adult horn flies live 2 to 4 weeks, taking 20 to 40 blood meals per day.

Studies have shown that at a level of even 200 flies per animal, your bottom line and animals will begin to see the effects. When left untreated, horn fly infestations can reach up to 4,000 flies per animal, staying on the cattle both day and night.

An IPM program includes biological, physical-mechanical, and cultural efforts to reinforce your fly control. A comprehensive IPM program consists of three phases: Planning, is essential to continually monitor the results to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.

Altosid® IGR delivers the most effective, cost-efficient control of horn flies with:

  • No extra work rounding up or handling cattle as with ear tags, back rubbers, and sprays. The animals distribute the active ingredient for you.
  • No withdrawal times required before culling or milking.
  • No known instances of resistance in nearly 50 years of use -- a common problem for other horn fly control options such as ear tags if not administered properly.

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